“I want to speak with him.”
“Who is this?”
“You know who I am. I want to speak with him.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that, Federico. Steve is talking with him now.”
“Steve, huh? He’s not busy answering emails now?”
“Well, yes - he’s using him to access…”
“Yeah, whatever. I don’t care if Steve is busy talking with some Japanese dudes about Softbank or just trying out his new Droid, just let me talk with him. Now.”
“Ok, hold on a sec.”
“Marker Felt?”
“This is him.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Well good morning to you as well! You must be…another Simplenote fan, I guess?”
“Actually I’m calling you as a new Lite Notes user. I just wanted to tell you that you’re the most annoying person I’ve ever met.”
“Lite Notes? Never heard of that.”
“It’s a simple note taking app for the iPad. You know, just notes but no sync. Minimal and distraction free.”
“Yeah, sure. Look, I’m really in the middle of something now, can you please - “
“Middle of something? You mean convincing Steve that you’re the right guy to write notes on the iPhone and iPad? You suck at it and you know that. I just hope that you’ll be fired soon, and I don’t really know why Steve is keeping you there.”
“Because I’m friendly.”
“Friendly? My sister was friendly at high school, and she got kicked out. The same should happen to you, idiot.”
“Like I said, I don’t have time to listen to angry Helvetica fanboys now. If you want, feel free to send Steve an email he can answer with a yep or nope.”
“Are you nuts?”
“That’s another possible reply. Anyway, go fuck yourself. I just wanted to tell you that I’m done with you for my quick notes, and Lite Notes is just perfect for me.”
“Whatever. Goodbye.”
Lite Notes is available at $0.99 here. If you take quick notes on your iPad and hate Marker Felt as much as I do, it’s a must have.