If the iPad feels like a communal device to you (it sure does for me), then I guess multi-user login is something you’re hoping for Apple to add in iOS 5. Think about it: every member of your family, or one of your friends, could grab the iPad, and log in with his credentials. That means he’s going to have his apps, settings, photos and music in there. He or she won’t have to see your secret Facebook messages in Mobile Safari anymore.
While multi-user browsing could be easily accomplished with an app such as Switch, what we have here is a concept showcasing a built-in multi-account feature for the iPad. Yes, it’s got 4 unlock menus in the lockscreen. Yes, we do think it could be implemented a lot better.
But hey, it’s a concept. The idea is cool, the overall design could use some refinements. Still, this is exactly what I need. [via Kottke]