Snes HD is a new Super Nintendo emulator available in Cydia that is based on ZodTTD’s snes4iphone but it’s optimized for the iPad. The app allows you to browse games in split view mode and shows a “real” US Snes on the right, where you can even see the cartridge and the name of the connected player.
Indeed you can connect to the emulator by using the My ControlPad app for iPhone (also available in Cydia) which lets you use the iPhone as a remote Snes controller. It’s one of the coolest thing you could ever have with a jailbroken iPad.
The emulation is smooth and fast, you can trigger autosaving features and smooth scaling, even though I found the non-scaled version absolutely enjoyable. All this goodness is available in Cydia at this repo:
Check out the screenshots after the break.
[via iPadevice]