Wired has released its first magazine app for the iPad. Available at $4.99 in the App Store, the application is very nice, has a lot of interactive content and enables users to jump back and forth between the different sections of the magazines. There are some great touches like animated 360 images, vertical stacks to organize content and music to enhance the reading experience. Overall, it’s a great app.
Wired’s Chris Anderson:
“The tablet is our opportunity to make the Wired we always dreamed of. It has all the visual impact of paper, enhanced by interactive elements like video and animated infographics. We can offer you a history of Mars landings that lets you explore the red planet yourself. We can take you inside Trent Reznor’s recording studio and let you listen to snippets of his work in progress. And we can show you exactly how Pixar crafted each frame of its new movie, Toy Story 3.
To deliver this rich reading environment, we’re using new digital publishing technology developed by Adobe. The yearlong effort, spearheaded by Wired creative director Scott Dadich, will allow us to simultaneously create both the print magazine and the enhanced digital version with the same set of authoring and design tools.”
If you remember, Wired had to ask Adobe to rewrite the app using Obj-C after Apple changed the rules of the App Stored and banned third party code compilers like the infamous Flash tool. Chris Anderson says that this is the “first digital edition” of the app, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see better iterations coming as the developers refine their Cocoa Touch and Objective-C skills. We’ll see.