The worst thing about having to deal with dozens of tasks and projects everyday is that I often forget about the other things I have to do, out of the MacStories context. Basic things like listening to music, walk the dog, getting through my inbox and reply to mails: daily habits I shouldn’t forget about, but I often do.
Daily Deeds is a new application for the iPhone which cleverly lets you annotate your habits, complete them everyday and forget about it.
The interface of Daily Deeds is very simply yet very good looking: there’s an “horizontal calendar view” that you can use to swipe through days and mark items as done, and the Add button that enables you to add habits (or, deeds) which are laid out as a vertical list. You can enter as many deeds as you wish per day, but you can’t - say - enter a description or tell the app to not set that deed for a specific day. It’s either all week or nothing.
Daily Deeds doesn’t aim at replacing your favorite GTD application, indeed it aims at collecting those activities that you think shouldn’t go into Things / Omnifocus but for this reason you often forget about. It’s simple, clever, great looking and the icon is pure awesomeness on the homescreen. At $0.99 in the App Store, and remember to walk the dog tomorrow.