Amongst the crazy things one can do with an iPhone, pointing the camera at everyday objects to get a kaleidoscopic version is one of the craziest. And with KaleidoVid, one of the funniest and best realized.
I don’t know if there are any other similar apps in the App Store (sure there are) but KaleidoVid excels in user interface and ease to use. To use KV, you just have to fire it up and point your camera at anything; see the screenshots to get the idea of what KailedoVid will generate for you.
If you tap on the screen while using the camera, a bottom toolbar will appear with buttons to snap the frame, share the pic on Twitter and Facebook, see additional information about the app (it’s developed by App Cubby). For instance, menu that pops up from the toolbar is one of the best animated I’ve ever seen on iPhone OS.
KaleidoVid is fun, has a gorgeous icon and interface elements, does well what it’s meant for. It comes at $0.99 in the App Store, and if you’ve always wanted to have a digital kaleidoscope to see what your dog or Macbook may look like, there you’ve got a chance.