Remember Byline? It was one of the first RSS readers for iPhone and it’s become a major hit in the App Store, granting developer Milo Bird a well deserved spot amongst the most successful devs of iPhone apps. But Byline is ready to go under a major update, labelled 3.0. which we’ve been able to test in its almost-final version.
Byline 3.0 will feature important UI changes and improvements, revamped sharing capabilities (like Twitter and Instapaper), extended support for gesture navigation and a lot of other fixes. I have to say that it really feels like a brand new app and, most of all, the new engine is fast. If you turn caching off, I’d say is as fast as Reeder’s one - but unlike Silvio Rizzi’s app it’s got a native interface which I’m sure will convince many users to try it out again.
Also, Byline 3.0 will be available for free for previous customers, and should be available in the App Store very soon. We’ve managed to take some screenshots of the current build. you can take a look after the break.
We can’t wait for Byline 3.0.