Tips are a pain to calculate. It’s time consuming to pop out your calculator and hammer away if you aren’t math-savvy, and it’s just annoying when you can do it in your head. Tipulator aims to both be functional for those who need a tip calculator, yet fashionable for those who just want to have fun with one.
When you open Tipulator, you see everything that the app is made up of. It’s just one screen, but it’s highly functional.
After you enter in your check amount, you can tap on the percentage to change it according to your server’s performance (the app includes hints at certain percentages to say whether the percentage means fair or excellent). Tipulator calculates the total on the fly, and displays it. You can even choose to round it or make it a palindrome. Then, when you’re done calculating everything, you have the option to split the check between a number of people.
One area where I see enormous potential is different settings for different restaurants. For example, say you go to one restaurant where the service is poor. Tipulator could remember that and pull it up the next time you visit. It’s a good idea, but then again, this is just a tip calculator. Where it really lacks, though, is in sales tax. I shouldn’t have to calculate out the sales tax separately.
If you’re like me, you don’t need a tip calculator. Well, Tipulator is also for those kinds of people. I mean, just look at it: it’s beautiful. The keypad is intuitively designed to automatically insert decimal places, and the entire area above the keypad is designed to look like a receipt. The icon is also beautiful.
Overall, Tipulator is both gorgeous and quick. Whether you can calculate tips in your head or you need to pull out your trusty calculator, Tipulator is still a great application. It’s available for $1.99 in the App Store.