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App Camp for Girls Hosts Fireside Chats with Developers and Others in the Apple Community

App Camp for Girls is currently conducting a series of interviews on its website – dubbed Fireside Chats – with different members of the Apple community. Interviewees range from iOS and Mac developers working at companies like The Omni Group, Smile, and Starbucks, to solo indie developers, and other active members of the community. I especially enjoyed hearing from developers about how they got their start in the world of software creation, and lessons learned in the process of building their first apps. There are interviews with people from all sorts of working backgrounds though, making these chats accessible to anyone interested in the Apple and technology communities.

These interviews are timed in conjunction with App Camp’s current fundraiser on Indiegogo, where they’re seeking to raise $75,000 to start camps in three new cities by 2020. Currently the campaign has raised $23,000 of that $75,000 goal, with about two weeks remaining. If you’d like to support the cause, go here to donate.

For more information about App Camp and its work to promote gender equity in technology, you can read our coverage from earlier this year when the organization announced its expansion to Chicago, or listen to Federico and John’s interview with App Camp’s co-founders, Jean MacDonald and Grey Osten, on episode 3 of AppStories.