Becca Farsace on Why the iPod Nano’s Camera Is Her Favorite Camcorder

Becca Farsace’s latest video is all about her favorite camcorder: the iPod Nano:

It’s a terrific video about a different time when simple devices like the Flip Video were everywhere, taking low-quality video. What made the Flip and, later, the Nano’s video camera great wasn’t the quality of what you could shoot with them. Instead, it was the convenience. With the tap of a button, you were up and recording instantly. As Farsace explains, there are a lot of limitations to the iPod Nano’s video camera, but in hindsight, it also holds a certain charm.

The video reminds me of the days before I had an iPhone and used a first-gen iPod Touch to take photos. The camera was lousy by today’s standards, but despite its limitations, I was able to take pictures that I enjoy to this day. I appreciate how easy it is to get a usable photo with my iPhone 16 Pro Max today, but I also sort of miss the effort required with the iPod Touch. I don’t miss the inefficiency of the Touch, but the constraints made me a better photographer by forcing me to pay more attention to lighting, framing, and other things. That’s why I’m not surprised at all that Halide’s Process Zero was an immediate hit.