Behind the App

Today, my friend and co-host Myke Hurley is launching Behind the App, a special series of his podcast Inquisitive focused on app development. From the description of the first episode:

In the first episode of “Behind the App”, a special series of Inquisitive, we take a look at the beginnings of iOS app development, by focusing on the introduction of the iPhone and the App Store.

I’ve seen Myke working on this for the past four months, and I’ve listened to the first episode. Everything about Behind the App is top notch and you won’t find this kind of in-depth tech storytelling anywhere else. The pacing is just right. The story is fascinating. The music is by Brave Wave (seriously). The guests have something useful and relevant to say. The script is well done. I know I’m being impartial when I say that Myke had the right idea at the right time and he’s making the best of it.

As he writes (and he doesn’t write often):

As of today, I have three episodes recorded of the series. I expect it to run for maybe 10-15 episodes, but I’m going to see how that fares as I continue to plough through.

Making these shows has been an incredible amount of work, but I am so proud of them. It’s totally different in style and production to anything I have made before, and I am learning new skills as I progress. I think I’m getting better at it every day too.

I genuinely believe that my last five years in podcasting has taught me all of the base skills that I needed to do this, and ‘Behind the App’ is going to teach me what I need to know for the next five years.

I’m genuinely excited for Myke and the whole team behind this. Grab your podcast app of choice (or use a web browser), listen at whatever speed you like, and wait for the next installments of Behind the App. I know I will.