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Connected, Episode 193: They Belong to the World Now

The future of third-party Twitter apps looks grim, but is it the end of the road? What makes an upgrade worthy of a price tag? Do class action lawsuits even matter? Should you use AirPods on planes? Does anyone like show descriptions written as hypothetical questions?

On this week’s episode of Connected, we talk about changes coming to third-party Twitter clients, the economics of the App Store when it comes to selling new versions of apps as separate purchases, and why you really shouldn’t use AirPods on planes. You can listen here.

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  • Linode: High performance SSD Linux servers for all of your infrastructure needs. Get a $20 credit with promo code ‘connected2018’
  • Skillshare: Thousands of classes to help you do your best work. Get 2 months of unlimited access to over 20,000 classes for $0.99.
  • Layers: A conference about design and technology. June 4-6, 2018 - San Jose, CA. Get $50 off with the code ‘relay’.