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Convertrain: Model Railroad Converter

Before I started MacStories, I used to work at an eBay drop-off store where people could come to sell and buy things on eBay if they didn’t have the time or knowledge to do it on their own. There was this guy who came to visit twice a week to buy and sell railroad and train models – they were rare and expensive, and they required a lot of talking to potential bidders and sellers to ensure the quality of the model. I had heard of that hobby (known as model railroading), but the firsthand experience of selling and buying models allowed me to know more about the fervent community of rail transport modellers (and railfans in general, which include Pixar’s John Lasseter).

All of this to say that when I got an email from the developer of Convertrain, I knew what he was talking about. I remembered the days when I used to look up prices and photographs for my old customer and the time spent tracking down rarities on eBay. Convertrain is a handy converter for scale models that lets you set up notebooks for your models, add your own scale units, and export items to a variety of apps and services. It’s designed for iOS 7 and it integrates with the iPhone’s camera to add photos of your model railroads.

$1.99 on the App Store.