Emulate All the Things

Jason Snell, writing at Six Colors about the arrival of emulators on the App Store:

So where do we go from here? While Apple’s acceptance of emulators in the App Store is groundbreaking, and should delight many fans of retro gaming consoles, it’s an extremely limited change. Nobody really knows how Apple defines any of the words in that phrase. How old is retro? Is an old computer on which you can play games a console?

I grew up playing games on early computers, including the Apple IIe. Does the ability to open a spreadsheet in AppleWorks disqualify an Apple II emulator that would otherwise let me play Lode Runner and Choplifter? And if so, why?

I continue to be perplexed by Apple’s (intentionally?) vague designation of “retro” consoles for emulators. Perhaps the company is waiting for the market to figure itself out without having to intervene by selectively banning certain types of emulators? Perhaps rejecting requests to use JIT recompilers is Apple’s way of implicitly drawing the “retro” line?

Jason mentions another interesting point: what about emulating old computers that also happened to have games on them, or emulating old iOS games that are no longer compatible with modern iPhones? There are some precedents for old computers on the App Store: a Sinclair ZX80 emulator was recently updated with the ability to load external ROMs, and there appear or be some Commodore 64 emulators too (some of them with… questionable features). In the age of entire vintage OSes running inside a web browser, I think it’d only make sense for Apple to approve them on the App Store too.

As for old iOS games, while I agree with Jason, I’d be very surprised if Apple went down that path rather than cutting deals with developers to remaster old games for Apple Arcade. I’ve always cared about game and app preservation on the App Store, but I’m afraid that ship has sailed.