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Forever ✱ Notes: A Simple, Flexible, and Free Approach to Organizing Your Apple Notes

The best workflows are the hardest to design because they require restraint. It’s easy to throw complexity at a problem to create the illusion of a grand solution, when it’s often the simplest solutions that reflect the most thoughtful approach to a problem. That was my immediate reaction to Forever ✱ Notes, a systematic approach to note-taking that uses Apple Notes as its foundation.

Forever ✱ Notes’ author, Matthias Hilse, describes the system as follows:

Forever ✱ Notes is a simple, lightweight digital note-taking and knowledge management method for Apple Notes. It’s robust, versatile, and scalable to grow with you.

If you’ve followed the worlds of personal knowledge management, bullet journaling, daily notes, and the complex Notion templates people have created to manage their lives, Forever ✱ Notes will ring a bell. It borrows elements from many systems that came before it but eschews their complexity. Instead, Forever ✱ Notes proposes sensible, pragmatic ways to organize your projects, areas of your life, and journaling using Apple Notes’ built-in tools, like tagging and note linking.

I’ve been building a similar system on and off all year in Obsidian, which isn’t finished, and having spent time looking at many other solutions, Forever ✱ Notes stands out for its simplicity and flexibility. I’ll be spending more time with Forever ✱ Notes over the next few weeks to see how I can incorporate some of its ideas into my own notes. Who knows? Perhaps it’s time to move more of what I do out of Obsidian and into Notes.