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How Nate Boateng Almost Lost Every Family Photo He Has

This stuff isn’t for everyone. Catastrophes like this probably won’t happen to most people. But the thing is, you don’t have a problem until you have a problem. It’s the same cringe-worthy talk we’ve had a million times with our parents about backing up data. I’d argue that this is more dire. Databases can be very stable, but I’m no longer willing to keep life’s memories in something that can seemingly turn on me in an instant. I still don’t know what actually happened; it could even have been my own fault.

You need a good photo backup workflow, and you need it now. Especially if you’re a parent with thousands of photos of your kids. I’m still relying on the Hazel + Dropbox workflow that I originally shared here (and then here), but I wish CameraSync would get an update for iOS 7. In the meantime, following Bradley’s advice, I’ve started using Everpix too. I’m liking the Flashback feature a lot.