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New Apple Ad: Dive

Apple introduced a quirky iPhone 7 ad on YouTube today called Dive. The ad features an older gentleman lounging by a swimming pool at what looks like a resort. As La Virgen De La Macarena begins to play, he turns up the volume, props his iPhone 7 up in a puddle of water on a table, and heads to the diving platforms. He hands his sunglasses to a girl as he climbs to the highest platform, pauses to glance down at a young woman sunbathing by the pool, and executes a perfect dive that splashes his iPhone. The spot ends with the tag line ‘stereo speakers on iPhone 7’ followed by, ‘practically magic.’ The clothing and slightly washed out colors of the video, which highlights the iPhone 7’s stereo speakers and water resistance, give it a vaguely old-fashioned, eccentric feel.