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Justin Williams:

A few weeks ago I was trading war stories with Jared Sinclair of Riposte fame as we were inching towards the finish line for our respective new apps. In Jared’s case, he is working on a new RSS client for iOS 7 called Unread and was mentioning how his biggest hurdle remaining was integrating a variety of sharing services for the posts in a user’s RSS feeds.

Luck would have it that I had been working on a similar feature already for my new app, so we decided to collaborate on something that would hopefully eliminate the need for anyone to write the same sharing code over and over again. The initial release is a pretty substantial rewrite of my initial code-base speerheaded by Jared to account for more than just image-based sharing. It’s a fantastic piece of code that I’m truly proud to be associated with.

It’s 2013 and we still have apps with archaic list-based sharing menus that were created in 2009 and barely updated for iOS 6. Developers, go check out the OvershareKit documentation on GitHub.