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Siri Cheat Sheet

Brett Terpstra:

I also added a cheat sheet for Siri. I know it’s not the most useful thing in the world; how often are you sitting at your laptop or desktop when you want to use Siri? Still, I’d spent some time exploring and needed a way to practice the various command syntaxes so that I’d be able to use them without thinking so much after I hit the button.

While I always check out every project by Brett, I somehow missed this one. The Siri cheat sheet is part of a bigger collection called Cheaters:

Cheaters is a collection of HTML-based cheat sheets meant for display in an Automator-based popup browser which can float on your screen while you work in other apps.

I have already found some commands I didn’t know Siri supported. I am now wondering if any Italian ever made an Italian Siri cheat sheet as thorough as this one. (note: this is sad, but unsurprising)

I look forward to playing more with Cheaters. The way Brett calls the HTML file with Automator is particularly clever and extensible. Make sure to check out the other cheat sheets, which include MultiMarkdown and Sublime Text 2.