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Sketch 3 Coming Soon, Will Integrate iOS 7 GUI Template

I don’t use Bohemian Coding’s Sketch for Mac, but a lot of designers I know love the app and rely on it for their work. Version 3 is coming soon and the developers have launched a teaser page.

Khoi Vinh tried a beta of Sketch 3 and he was positively impressed by the new features:

Several weeks ago, I was lucky enough to get access to the Sketch 3.0 beta and much to my delight, it prominently includes a symbols feature. The new version brings with it an upgraded file format which is not backwards compatible (that is, Sketch 3 will open files created with its predecessor, but not vice versa), so I haven’t moved over the majority of my workflow to it yet. But I have used it extensively for a few other, more isolated projects, and it’s been fantastic. Sketch’s symbols are as intuitive and powerful as I had hoped they would be; make a change to one symbol, and almost before you can blink, every other instance of that symbol is instantly changed, across every artboard in your document.

And today, Geoff Teehan of Teehan+Lax has announced that their popular iOS 7 GUI template will be pre-installed in Sketch 3:

I’m really excited today to share the news that our iOS 7 GUI template is going to ship natively in Sketch 3 (Sketch 2 shown above). No longer will you need to Google ‘iOS GUI Sketch’ and download the file from our site. You can just open Sketch 3, select our iOS 7 template and starting building out your next iOS app.

To stay updated on Sketch 3 news, check out the teaser page here.