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The Pen Addict’s Apple Pencil Review

Of all the Apple Pencil reviews I’ve read over the past few weeks, very few of them offered examples of actual handwriting – which is perfectly understandable, as most of us don’t use physical pens and pencils for writing anymore.

This is why I recommend reading Myke Hurley’s review of the Pencil for The Pen Addict – he knows what he’s talking about:

The second issue these weights attempt to solve is to stop your Pencil rolling off your desk. The Pencil is completely cylindrical – there are no flat edges and no clip – so it’s prone to fall victim to gravity and non-level work spaces. But with the weights inside the Pencil, as soon as you set it down, it rolls a little and then stops itself. The weights appear to have been designed to balance it and take over. In most instances this works out great, but I have observed that if you place the Pencil down with any force, say if it is not gently put down on a desk, but maybe dropped from a few inches (I love my implements, but I use them too…), the Pencil will likely roll a couple of times in the process.

When this happens the weights actually seem to give it momentum, and will propel it forward further and faster than it would have otherwise. Each time as the Pencil turns, it acts against itself as it is moving to quickly to balance, and on it goes, off the table.

Myke makes some good points in his review, which I haven’t seen anywhere else.