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The State of Apple Rumors

John Moltz:

It’s a weird time for those of us who’ve followed Apple rumors for years. (And I’m not the only one who has noticed.) At the risk of sounding like your prototypical hipster, today’s rumors just aren’t as good as they used to be. The devices that we hear whispers about now—a smartwatch, a television, a cheaper iPhone—seem lackluster compared to the rumored products of days past—products that, when they actually appeared, changed entire industries.

I think that a lot of this has to do with an increasing shift of rumors towards software: just in the past week, various people have spoken with their sources to detail what’s coming with iOS 7 and OS X 10.9. It is an exciting time to think about what Apple may do with an iOS redesign, better inter-app communication, iCloud improvements, and changes to core iOS apps that have basically stayed the same since iPhone OS 1.

On the hardware side, changes to existing product lines tend to be more incremental, often detailed well in advance by rumor sites, and even shown in photos of “leaked” components. But even with current products, there are interesting scenarios to talk about.

And as far as the smartwatch rumor goes, I don’t think that’s lackluster at all.