Add Tasks To OmniFocus With Alfred

Add Tasks To OmniFocus With Alfred

Don Southard shares an interesting tip on how to automatically fill OmniFocus’ Quick Entry window using Alfred, a Spotlight replacement for Mac:

Enter Alfred for Mac. A very handy tool that provides a very useful launch bar to OSX. The great thing about Alfred is that you can customize how and where it searches, allowing us the ability to integrate OmniFocus in to the utility. Another perk is that this method does not require OmniFocus to already be running to add a task. It is system wide and will wake up OmniFocus if necessary.

But why would you want to do that, when you can assign a keyboard shortcut to OmniFocus’s entry panel? Well, some people don’t want to remember dozens of shortcuts like we do. In this way, you only have to remember Alfred’s keyboard command (which most likely has replaced Spotlight’s default one on your computer) to get tasks into OmniFocus.