Brian Chen: “Why Windows Phone 7 Will Make Android Look Chaotic”

Brian Chen: “Why Windows Phone 7 Will Make Android Look Chaotic”

The OS is going to be the same with the same features on every handset so, as a consumer, your decision-making will boil down to the hardware’s look, weight and size. Compare that to the experience of buying an Android phone, which could be running a different version depending on the handset you buy: Donut, Eclair, Froyo, blueberry pie, neopolitan or whatever Google chooses to call it eventually. You won’t have to ask yourself, “Am I going to get X on this phone or do I have to get another one?” because they’re all running the same OS with a few variations in hardware.

The inevitable question that arises is what Windows Phone 7 means as a competitor to iOS. It’s tough to say.

This morning I drove to the Three store to see what Android devices were available. I’m a curious guy. All of them had different specs, features and UIs. On the other hand, the Windows Phone 7 platform looks solid and consistent - but is it enough to gain decent market share after years of Windows Mobile failures? I don’t know. What’s for sure, though, is that Microsoft is doing many things right now.