Disable Auto-Correct In Tweetbot for Mac

Disable Auto-Correct In Tweetbot for Mac

I write in English, but I live in Italy. Some of my Twitter followers are Italian, too, and I like to talk to them in my native language. In the past weeks, I noticed an annoying bug: Tweetbot for Mac, my Twitter client of choice, couldn’t disable auto-correct (Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Correct Spelling Automatically) permanently. The option is there, but it appears it “doesn’t stick” after you enable it to send a tweet without auto-correct. This led to an increasing number of misspelled Italian tweets with English words mixed in (as per my Mac’s system language).

Fortunately, I’ve found the solution here. With a simple Terminal command, you can override Tweetbot’s default setting and disable auto-correct (but not spell checking) automatically.

This is exactly what I was looking for, so make sure to hit the source link to check out the full command.