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Evernote Adds Account Switching

Evernote Adds Account Switching

Evernote account switcher

Evernote account switcher

From the Evernote blog:

As a Premium user, you’ll be able to switch between one Free account and as many Premium accounts as you like. Whenever you switch from one account to another, the Evernote app screen reloads and displays the other account with all the notes that had synched the last time you viewed it. There’s even a keyboard shortcut CMD+CTRL+A to quickly switch accounts.

After the first time you sign in, Evernote won’t ask you to enter the password again. I’ve just tested it with my two Evernote accounts, and it works as advertised.

Not only is this useful for classrooms and families (where it’s more likely multiple accounts are being used), I also think this is a convenient option for people that use Evernote with IFTTT. Until today, I have used IFTTT to build an archive of all my tweets in Evernote. Links to over 6500 tweets weigh only 1.6 MB in Evernote. With this new option, I can log Twitter (and other social) updates to a separate account, easily switching back and forth my personal and “archiving-only” accounts with two clicks.