From the boneheaded design file: Browsing Versions in Lion

From the boneheaded design file: Browsing Versions in Lion

While some knew of the feature, and were anxious to use it, they couldn’t find it. I would have expected a function that deals with a file to be on the File menu. Nope. Apple has it in the title bar, just where you are sure to miss it. […] When you finally do figure out how to browse your versions, your entire desktop changes, and you wind up in the Time Machine GUI (which Apple calls “The Star Field”), even though you never invoked Time Machine. As my colleague Erica Sadun points out, why introduce another system?

Mel Martin on TUAW discusses how Versions (and similiarly the Auto Save functions in the titlebar of an application) are confusing to use and hard to find compared to the already intuitive menubar (the second place people look after they can’t find something in the toolbar). Let’s talk about Mel’s points real quick: why did Apple make versions so… spacey?

The biggest reason is because it simply draws parallels with Time Machine. Apple wants to associate anything that has do with recovering files with the paradigm of literally being able to travel back in time and pull in old documents (in Versions’ case, pull in old bits of text or images you initially revoked which is both very hands-on and extremely powerful). The separate UI exists so you visually see old changes and only bring back what you need — browsing a list with timestamps then manually merging two versions of the same document from your desktop doesn’t sound better either (especially since you then can’t see what changes were made without opening each old version).

I do think Versions would be good as a menubar item. I agree that new Mac users won’t look to the titlebar for accessing this feature (unless they’ve vigorously read Apple’s Lion pages). When people look to try out new features (and don’t know where to find them), I imagine they try to search for the menu item through Help as I often do. In Versions’ case, it’s nowhere to be found. I think Versions’ UI itself is okay, albeit sometimes buggy and slow which will be improved, but getting there can be the issue.