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Mac OS 10.7 Dreams

Mac OS 10.7 Dreams

Ben Brooks shares some interesting points:

Updated Finder -  Any Mac power user will tell you, Finder is showing its age. Tabs are the biggest wish for most people. I would settle for better network drive support, for both WebDAV servers and network shares.

Yojimbo / DEVONthink type App - File folders are so 1999, today we just like to search or see things organized for us. This would be in addition to Finder, giving us a place to store and search all of our files, view and edit them – think iTunes for the rest of your crap.

Saving No More - I just feel greedy at this point, but one of my favorite features of Notational Velocity is that I don’t have to worry about hitting save. All that is done for me and backed up – saving needs to be a thing of the past. I can just imagine the commercials comparing saving on a Mac versus saving on a PC.

The Finder needs better WebDAV support (I’m forced to use Transmit for that, which is a great app anyway) and system-wide autosave would be great, even if ForeverSave has been doing that (kind of) for quite some time now.

The Yojimbo / DEVONthink app, though? I’m sold. I was a Yojimbo user until December of last year, then I switched to DEVONthink (Pro Office version) and never looked back. Even if DEVONthink’s approach is more “professional” (I feel bad for using this term, but that’s it) and complex than Yojimbo’s, I get Ben’s point here: a way for Mac users to throw anything to the Finder and see it properly organized, saved, tagged - whatever organization system you prefer - without any additional effort. That’s what these apps do: they can receive any kind of data easily and store stuff for as long as you need. It’s just a giant bucket where you throw items in, but it’s a well organized bucket.

Now imagine that app, with desktop sync capabilities, on iOS.