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MacUpdate Bundle: 1Password, DEVONthink, Interarchy… 12 Apps at $49

MacUpdate Bundle: 1Password, DEVONthink, Interarchy… $49

The latest bundle offering from MacUpdate looks like an absolute must-have for Mac users: 12 top-notch Mac apps, available at $49.99 instead of $534. The apps are: 1Password, MacFamilyTree, DEVONthink, Flux, Default Folder X, Art Text + Fonts, Swift Publisher, Chronories, Interarchy and Typinator. First 10,000 buyers also get Mail Stationery and Stars Wars Jedi Night II for free.

Gems like AgileWeb’s 1Password (a staff favorite here at MacStories), DEVONthink, Interarchy and Typinator are definitely well worth the bundle price.

Do yourself a favor for Christmas and go buy the bundle here.