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OS X Abstract Art

OS X Abstract Art

Emilio Gomariz uses OS X to create abstract animations. With a combination of applications, window animations, keyboard controls, and QuickTime, he assembled a mesmerizing collection of digital art that mixes graphics and music for a unique result. For the “alternate gradients” animation, he wrote:

The “Spectrum” screen saver from Mac OS X is alternated by the use of five Quicktime video players which also reproduce the own screen saver in different times and sizes, following a decreasing and centered composition.

In the “ctrl tab torus” animation, on the other hand, he used the CTRL+Tab action of Photoshop to create a rotating spiral of windows with different colors. Or, again, in “Open_Close.txt”, he used dozens of open items with colored backgrounds to create a virtual accordion for the standard open/close animations of OS X.

The whole collection of videos shows great creativity and willingness to experiment with the digital graphics of our computers. Check it out here. [TUAW via Today and Tomorrow]