Read Later 2.1

Read Later 2.1

Speaking of Pocket, the best way to access a Pocket (or Instapaper) queue on OS X, Read Later, has been updated to include video support for the (rebranded) Pocket service inside the app. With the Pocket parser now capable of fetching videos from more sources, Read Later can, for instance, display YouTube or TED videos inline through your preferred reading style.

Formerly “ReadNow”, we covered Read Later when it hit 2.0 back in December:

Based on traditional RSS apps, ReadNow organizes your Instapaper and Read it Later articles for offline access, optimizing articles for a cleaner reading experience on your Mac. ReadNow features a custom article view that lets you style the article, change the line height and article width, and customize the font. Archiving and liking articles in the app will push those changes to the respective service in realtime. Unlike your favorite iOS apps, ReadNow lets you drag and drop articles into folders and tags to quickly move them from the reading list.

I particularly appreciate Read Later’s drag & drop support to easily move the Instagram photos I send to Pocket (via IFTTT) to a specific tag, and I use the app’s hotkey to quickly send a link from my pasteboard to Pocket. Support for video makes for a nice watching experience on OS X, and you can get the app for free on the Mac App Store.