Watermark Releases iPhone App

Watermark Releases iPhone App

Twitter and App.net archiving and search tool Watermark.io gained a first official mobile companion today, a native app for iPhone. Dubbed “Watermark Mobile”, the free app is very simple, as it’s solely focused on letting you search and copy links to tweets or posts.

Watermark is a searchable archive of tweets and App.net posts. It downloads tweets from everyone you are following, so you can go back and find older tweets later. And it provides a backup of all your own tweets and favorites forever.

Watermark Mobile is, for now, an interface to your archive. There are no options or sidebars – just a search bar to retrieve posts from your Watermark archive. Right now, you can search and tap & hold on a post to copy its link; you can tap on usernames to open their profiles on Twitter or App.net. For a future version of the app, I hope developer Manton Reece will add native integration with Watermark filters and saved searches.

You can download Watermark Mobile for free on the App Store. You can catch up on our previous coverage of Watermark here.