If you’ve wanted to stay on top of your Twitter status in real time, many Twitter clients won’t show you whether that last tweet caused a few unfollows or if it was fave’d by a few of your fans. For those obsessed with getting realtime feedback, Bird Bell is an excellent companion app to any Twitter client you have on the Mac, integrating with Growl and displaying real time feedback on retweets, follows, unfollows, favorites, and lists you’re added to. Bird Bell integrates with both Twitter and Favstar, and can be customized to a wide extent in revealing growl or menubar notifications per account. With the official Twitter app for the Mac (which offers live streaming), Bird Bell can give you a bird’s eye view on just how responsive your audience is to what you’ve tweeted as soon as you’ve hit the return key. Bird Bell works in the background, and only notifies you based on your interests: I personally don’t care about follows and unfollows, and choose to see favorites and retweets instead.
Twitter junkies who want to revel in their tweets can purchase Bird Bell on the Mac App Store for $1.99 — it’s a great utility that works alongside your favorite Twitter clients. We’re also giving away five copies of Bird Bell, and you can click past the break for your chance to win.
The Giveaway
- We have five copies of Bird Bell to give away.
- To enter the giveaway, tweet the following message before 12:00 PM EST (June 13): Win a copy of Bird Bell on @macstoriesnet via @plantbasedapps http://mcstr.net/lrXrMW
- We will search Twitter.com for tweets and retweets and randomly pick up the winners.
- Make sure to follow @macstoriesnet on Twitter so we can get in touch with you once the giveaway is over.
- If you want to increase your odds of winning, you can also leave a comment to this post. If your Twitter account isn’t linked in your Disqus profile, please leave a link to your tweet so I can find you.
- Winners will be contacted via a DM on Twitter Monday afternoon.
Be sure to follow @BirdBellApp on Twitter for all the latest updates! Good luck!