Osfoora is an insanely popular Twitter client for iPhone and iPad that has gained thousands of aficionados in the past months. Released on the iPhone last year, Osfoora made its way to the tablet a few months ago with a really nice client that took advantage of the larger screen to offer a landscape “split view”.
Osfoora is now coming to the Mac, according to a screenshot of the “pre-alpha version” posted by the developer on popular design-sharing website Dribbble. We can’t see much from the teaser, but it looks like the desktop client is going to feature a minimal look with a sidebar that – again, basing on this first small screenshot – looks a lot like Tweetie’s one.
With Tweetie 2 on the horizon, Weet for Mac and now Osfoora – I guess it ain’t really over for Twitter clients on the Mac. We look forward to seeing more about this new iteration of Osfoora.
Update: we’ve got another screenshot from Osfoora’s developer, showing the timeline with photos indicators. Looks nice to us.