Full-time or part-time students over the age of 13 have the chance of winning one of 150 scholarships to attend this year’s WWDC. Apple says that it wants to “reward outstanding student developers with the opportunity to attend this year’s conference on a WWDC 2012 Student Scholarship”. It means that for those lucky (and talented) students selected, they can attend the WWDC conference free of charge (tickets are on sale today for $1599). Apple will be judging the applicants on a few key criteria:
- Technical ability
- Creativity of ideas expressed in products/projects
- Prior WWDC attendance
- Technical and work experience
Due to the low age-limit, some events such as the WWDC Bash may restrict some students if they are under 18. Apple has posted a full list of eligibility requirements and more details on the application process and it should be noted that applicants also be a member of the iOS Developer Program, iOS Developer Enterprise Program, or Mac Developer Program, or an iOS Developer University Program Student and they must have been a member prior to August 1st, 2011.
You can lodge your own application for the 2012 WWDC Student Scholarship here, or view all the details on the 2012 WWDC page. The deadline for sending in your application is Wednesday, May 2, 2012 at 5:00 PM PDT.