The long-awaited jailbreak for the iPhone 4S and iPad 2, both devices running Apple’s A5 processor, has been released. As posted by hacker p0sixninja a few minutes ago on Twitter – p0sixninja and other developers including Cydia’s Saurik contributed to the release of the latest jailbreak tool – users can head over to download the OS X version. A Windows version is said to be “coming soon” and, at the moment of writing this, greenpois0n seems to be down/very slow.
The A5 jailbreak, teased in the past weeks, comes with a graphical user interface called “Absinthe” that guides users through the process of jailbreaking A5 devices running iOS 5.0 and iOS 5.0.1. Absinthe has been developed by the Chronic Dev Team, whereas the iPhone Dev Team has created a CLI (command line interface) for more advanced users and diagnostic purposes. As usual with jailbreak releases, a backup of your data is advised and you should probably wait a few hours before rushing in to jailbreak your devices, so that any possible bugs left will be fixed.
The A5 jailbreak is available now, it is an “untethered jailbreak” and it’s currently out for OS X users on [image via]