Cisco might have their Cius (a new fangled Android tablet that docks into - wait for it - a corded telephone hub), but such vaporware might not be able to make a dent once the iPad takes hold in corporate America. David Hornik of August Capital writes, “Where once they carried Palm Pilots, now they hold an iPad under their arm. iPad is the new cool toy.”
9 to 5 Mac comments,
For business users, at least, the iPad is a more discreet computing device than a laptop, but offer all the bits and pieces that may be required: calendar? Got it. Email? Right here. Browsing? Yep. Output presentations to Keynote to a video projector using the iPad? Sure can. Play Civilization for hours while the rest of them speak the usual garbage? Of course. It just works.
Business users admit it’s difficult to type on the iPad, but they could always use an application like SoundPaper to supplement text with audio from their meetings. But let’s hear it from you guys: are any of you corporate go-getters replacing your laptops with iPads? Let us know in the comments.
[via 9 to 5 Mac]