The other worldly iPhone may land on Verizon, and it may not. Much like the chances of an asteroid hitting Earth, we just don’t know what will happen. But if the Apple Corporation finally does invade with red flags in hand, the people of AT&T may abandon ship. According to 9 to 5 Mac, Davenport and Co. analyst, F. Drake Johnstone estimates 40% of all iPhone owning AT&T customers may swim ashore on Verizon’s lands, which might explain AT&T’s recent Early Termination Fee updates.
…But as I’ve already said, jumping on Verizon probably won’t solve anything. So don’t be stupid! If demand for the iPhone is high enough, people will be quick to expose any all problems Verizon does and will have with their business and network. People, Verizon isn’t your savior. It’s the entire infrastructure that needs fixing.