We’ve heard many rumors and news about a native version of AutoCAD for Mac in the works, but we still lack an official confirmation about the release date or other specific details.
It turns out that some people have spotted comments and references in the header files of the latest ObjectARX 2011 SDK (the Autodesk programming environment) suggesting that the Mac version is the works and should come pretty soon, but it’s not exactly imminent. We’ve included the code after the break, be sure to check it out if you’re really interesting in knowing everything about your favorite Windows app coming to Mac OS X.
#if defined(_WINDEF_) || defined(_ADESK_MAC_)
/* AutoCAD graphics window handle */
HWND adsw_acadMainWnd();
#ifndef adsw_hwndAcad
#define adsw_hwndAcad adsw_acadMainWnd()
#ifndef _ADESK_MAC_
#ifndef ACAD_PORT
#ifdef ACAD_API
#define ACAD_PORT _declspec(dllexport)
#define ACAD_PORT
// On OS X, we will export all symbols by default and will use GCC
// attributes to exclude symbols we don’t want to export.
// In this case, we do want to export the AcEdInputPoint symbol
#define ACAD_PORT
#endif // _ADESK_MAC_