Mobile developer Manomio is releasing a Commodore Amiga emulator and TouchArcade has the first hands-on. Manomio also developed the Commodore 64 emulator for iOS that was originally rejected from the App Store. After some changes to the App Store policy, Manomio’s Commodore 64 emulator returned.
Manomio is legally licensing the intellectual property, just like their Commodore 64 emulator, and is working with developers to bring popular Amiga titles to the App Store. According to TouchArcade, the emulator is running very well. The video clip below shows 10 ‘old-school’ Amiga games including Defender of the Crown, Battle Squadron, International Karate +, R-Type, R-Type II, Speedball, Stunt Car Racer, Shadow of the Beast, Virus, and Xenon 2: Megablast:
The licensing agreements will effect what games will actually be available in the App Store though, these are just some of the possibilities. The emulator will only support iPhone 3GS / 3rd gen. iPod touch devices and up. No release date has been announced.
[via Macrumors via TouchArcade]