The Dutch newspaper ‘nrc•next’ is giving free iPads to people who sign up to receive their printed subscription for two years and it also includes their daily digital iPad App version.
This is a great idea to grow your readership but they underestimated the response to their subscription promotion. Now they have posted a page on their blog “Zeg, waar blijft die iPad?” which translates to “Say, where is my iPad?” It’s basically a Q & A for people who signed up for their promotion and have yet to receive their new iPads.
We ship as we speak 1500 iPads per week. Unfortunately, not faster.
So until all of their new subscribers get their iPads, they will have to settle for a folded up newspapers folded and tucked inside an iPad case. Maybe they can pretend they’re reading the fresh news from their new iDevice. If any of our Dutch readers have signed up for this deal, let us know in the comments! To see the official offer, click here.