Earlier today the Dev Team posted a new entry on their official blog showing a video of the upcoming “SHAtter” exploit making possible to jailbreak iOS 4.1 The video shows a jailbroken iPod Touch 4th generation with Cydia installed and running, root access and battery percentage enabled.
The exploit (and payload) was developed by @pod2g a few months after @p0sixninja of the Chronic Dev Team discovered the crash. That team is hard at work bringing you a brand new tool to make use of the exploit. It’s not the sort of thing that can be developed overnight so please be patient while waiting for any announcements from them.
In the meantime, we’ve put @pod2g’s exploit into a beta version of PwnageTool to test the waters. The SHAtter exploit was enough to convince the iPod touch 4G to restore to our custom IPSW. The successful result is shown below! It’s all working: customized Preferences to show battery percentage, Cydia, root shell…the works!