Looking for all the hot topics of today? Patrick Rhone of Minimal Mac points to a very cool looking iPhone app called Funnel, which reminds me of Marcos Weskamp’s Newsmap, which provides a distinct way to view upcoming topics on Google News. While I haven’t visited the “Marumushi Newsmap” (as I called it when I was but a young teen) in a long time, provided you have Flash installed or you use Google Chrome, you can check out how news aggregates in real time. If we return to Funnel, it’s practically the same thing (which is great considering you can have Newsmap on the go). The bigger the news, the more popular that particular news item is. You can download it here (currently I’m having trouble pulling it up in the App Store). Let us know what you think if it’s available in your part of town.
[via Minimal Mac]