Igor Cheban’s iPhone Paintings

Igor Cheban’s iPhone Paintings

Self-taught, 21 year-old artist Igor Cheban has posted on Reddit a gallery of his collection of iPhone paintings. Igor’s impressive work, available here, is the result of hours of work done primarily on an iPhone, with a few “paintings” created on the iPad (such as the “Wabbit” one in the link above). In the Reddit thread, which received hundreds of comments thanks to the exposure granted by Reddit’s homepage, Igor explains how he used award-winning iOS app Brushes to create the paintings (finger-painting with Brushes isn’t new to the Internet).

In particular, two comments stood out to me, as they epitomize the advantages and drawbacks of digital painting:

Very similar to digital painting on the computer. Although computer and real life painting allow you to control the flow of the lines by adding pressure which the phone is not capable of doing. So that’s something to consider. I do like the unlimited undos that digital painting offers so I would say that is the easier one.

when I’m working on a digital painting and I love the idea (for example “bird slayer”) then I feel just as excited as I would working on a physical painting… However, something wonderful about possessing a physical piece of artwork once finished. Unlike a digital file which could easily be reproduced, only one true original piece can exist.

Preservation of digital media, either in the form of text or images, is something I, and others, have been advocating for a long time. The topic resonates with iOS users: with apps that enable the most variegate kinds of creations, how do we ensure they can be stored and archived for future memory?

Make sure to check out the original Reddit thread and Igor’s profile on Instagram, where he uploaded more iPhone paintings and other sketches. He also posted a video on YouTube showing the techniques he uses with Brushes, mainly zooming in/out of the canvas to draw details and get the full picture. Brushes is Universal and free on the App Store.