Today, I’m thrilled to announce MacStories Perspective Icons, a set of 20,000 icons for custom perspectives in OmniFocus Pro.
Here’s the short version of this story: our brand new Perspective Icons offer 400 unique glyphs with two distinct icon shapes available in 25 different colors, for a total of 20,000 icons included in the set. Yes, you read that number right. The icons can be easily installed in OmniFocus Pro for Mac, iPad, and iPhone using Finder or the Files app; all the icons and colors have been optimized for OmniFocus and designed to look like native additions to the app.
For a limited time, you can get the set at $17.99, down from the regular price of $24.99.
If you’re a Club MacStories member, you can take advantage of your exclusive 15% discount on all MacStories Pixel products to purchase MacStories Perspective Icons as well.
You can find more details on the MacStories Perspective Icons product page and read the in-depth FAQ here.
Below, you can see a preview of MacStories Perspective Icons and the set’s different shapes and colors:
With this icon set, you’ll have more options than what is provided by default in OmniFocus Pro for custom perspectives. Installing the icons couldn’t be easier: starting with OmniFocus Pro 3.8, released earlier today, you can import a custom perspective icon directly from the Files app for iPhone and iPad. Thanks to OmniFocus’ sync, your custom perspective icons will automatically sync across the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
MacStories Perspective Icons were designed to cater to the needs of the OmniFocus community. From task management and the clipboard to media and documents, Perspective Icons cover dozens of categories of potential perspectives. In the download file, you’ll be able to browse the entire set by shape and color; you can also use Files or Finder search to quickly find each version of an icon by name.
As I detailed on an episode of AppStories, a few months ago I felt like Apple’s Reminders app could no longer support my increased load of daily tasks and new areas of responsibility. I started looking, once again, for a professional task manager that would help me navigate and make sense of a busier life – all while giving me the ability to create custom “views” to focus on specific aspects of my work. OmniFocus and its custom perspectives were an obvious answer; however, as soon as I started using the app, I knew I wanted to further customize the sidebar to go beyond the default perspective icons offered by The Omni Group.
After discussing the idea with MacStories Pixel designer Silvia Gatta, she began working on what eventually became an icon set comprised of 20,000 icon files. Here’s what makes MacStories Perspective Icons special:
- All the icons are optimized to look great at all sizes in every version of OmniFocus Pro, whether it’s on a Mac, iPad, or iPhone;
- Each icon works both in light and dark mode;
- All the icons and their colors have been optimized to match OmniFocus’ native color palette and aesthetic, so they feel right at home when installed in the app’s sidebar.
MacStories Perspective Icons are a product I personally use because customization of my devices is something I care about deeply. As a result of using MacStories Perspective Icons with my custom perspectives in OmniFocus, I’ve been able to customize the OmniFocus sidebar so it’s consistent with the rest of the app, yet uniquely mine at the same time.
And as I mentioned, these icons look fantastic on iPhone, both in light and dark mode:
As well as the Mac:
The amount of customization granted by 400 glyphs available with two icon shapes and 25 colors is unparalleled. What’s even nicer is that starting with version 3.8 of OmniFocus for iPhone and iPad, you can pick custom icons directly from the Files app: all you need to do is download the set, unzip its archive, and start customizing the icons by choosing them with a native Files picker. It couldn’t be easier.
I’ve been happily using OmniFocus again for the past few months, and I’m glad Silvia created an icon set that lets me customize perspectives – my favorite feature of the app – with thousands of icon options.
For a limited time, you can get MacStories Perspective Icons at $17.99 instead of $24.99. You can find more details on the product page and read the FAQ, which contains step-by-step instructions on how to install the icons on a Mac, iPad, or iPhone.
We’d love to see your OmniFocus sidebars with MacStories Perspective Icons installed: feel free to tweet at me (@viticci) or Silvia (@_silviagatta) with a screenshot of your OmniFocus sidebar and the hashtag #PerspectiveIcons so other OmniFocus users can take inspiration from your setup. We can’t wait to see what you create with MacStories Perspective Icons.