iOS 10 Actionable Notifications, the Lock Screen, and 3D Touch

Junjie, developer of Due for iOS, on changes to the Lock screen and actionable notifications in iOS 10:

To my surprise, when users upgraded their iOS 9 devices to iOS 10 this week, I started receiving feedback that they were no longer able to snooze or complete their reminders from their Lock Screen. Many thought I’ve removed the feature from Due, or that there was a bug with Due in iOS 10. Of course, neither of which is the case.
Unlike iOS 8 and iOS 9, swiping a notification from right to left in iOS 10 no longer reveals the notification actions. Instead, depending on the device that you use, it now displays either View and Clear on non-3D Touch devices, or just Clear on 3D Touch devices.
So while users can now access all four notification actions in iOS 10, they need to go through an additional, unintuitive step of pressing the View button. However, for users with 3D Touch enabled phones like the iPhones 6s and 7, pressing firmly on the notification will reveal the notification actions menu.

I was talking about this with my girlfriend earlier today, and it’s something I didn’t consider in my review. For some reason, she can’t use 3D Touch. Every time she presses on the screen, she ends up swiping or activating tap & hold accidentally. I don’t know what it is about the way she grips the phone or touches the screen – we’ve tried every setting, and she just can’t take advantage of 3D Touch in her daily iPhone usage. She ended up disabling 3D Touch altogether because it’s useless to her.

Here’s a problem, though: with iOS 10’s notification design, this means she can’t swipe on a notification and have instant access to actions. There’s an extra step:

  1. Swipe notification on the Lock screen;
  2. Tap the new ‘View’ button;
  3. Tap actions in the expanded notification.

Step 2 is what people who don’t use 3D Touch need to go through now, and it feels like a regression. I wish I had mentioned this in my story, but I didn’t think of it because I use 3D Touch and pressing notifications is second nature to me.

Perhaps Apple could improve this by automatically expanding a notification with a long swipe. Instead of revealing two buttons – View and Clear – a long swipe to the left could trigger the View button, expand a notification, and avoid the additional tap required for non-3D Touch users in iOS 10.