According to a new report from Digitimes, Apple may be planning to introduce the iPad 2 in Taiwan within the next two weeks. The website reports several “channel retailers” are pointing to a Friday, May 20 release date, although Apple didn’t confirm any of the speculation and other IT shops declined to comment.
The official launch schedule of Apple’s iPad 2 in Taiwan remains unconfirmed despite some channel retailers already rumored that the launch will be on May 20, since Apple product-only retail shop Studio A has commented that it has not yet received the information from Apple, while large IT shops in Taiwan have all declined to comment about the launch schedule. However, sources in the retail channel estimate that the iPad 2 should be launched as soon as within the next 1-2 weeks.
Apple’s Taiwanese website still displays a placeholder for the iPad 2, offering users a chance to be notified when the product is available. Apple introduced the iPad 2 in the United States on March 11 and 25 more countries on March 25. The device was launched in 12 more countries in late April including Japan, Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore, as well as China on May 6th (WiFi model). A release in Taiwan (and perhaps more countries as part of Apple’s international rollout) later this week would also play well with Apple’s rumored plans to organize a special event for the 10th Retail anniversary,