We’re pleased to announce that starting today, Magic Rays of Light, the podcast hosted by Sigmund Judge and Devon Dundee is joining MacStories. Federico and I couldn’t be happier to be adding Sigmund and Devon’s expertise in all things Apple TV+, tvOS, and Apple Arcade to MacStories. It’s a fantastic show full of thoughtful insights on one of Apple’s most interesting platforms.
You can subscribe to Magic Rays of Light using the buttons below:
 in Apple Podcasts.](https://cdn.macstories.net/cleanshot-2024-01-15-at-08-31-27-2x-1705325726939.png)
You can find Magic Rays of Light in the MacStories channel in Apple Podcasts.
If you’re already a Magic Rays of Light listener and are wondering if the show you love is about to change, the answer is ‘no.’ We asked Sigmund and Devon to join MacStories because we love what they’ve done with the show and want them to keep doing it. In practice, that means that the podcast feed will stay the same, so there’s no need to re-subscribe. Also, episodes will continue to be released weekly.
That said, there will be a couple of minor changes. First, Magic Rays of Light will be published this Wednesday and every Wednesday going forward instead of Sundays, which slots in nicely between AppStories and MacStories Unwind, which bookend the MacStories podcast publication week. The schedule also fits well with the release timing of many Apple TV+ shows. Magic Rays of Light has moved to the MacStories podcasts channel in Apple Podcasts, too. If you’re not an Apple Podcasts user, that might not mean much, but the MacStories channel is one convenient place in Apple’s podcast directory where you can find all of our shows and the latest episodes of each.
We also plan to work Magic Rays of Light into other aspects of what we do at MacStories. Whether it’s a notable addition to tvOS, a highly-anticipated new TV+ movie or show, or a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process behind the media you love, we’ll be exploring ways to share Sigmund and Devon’s knowledge beyond Magic Rays of Light to MacStories.net and Club MacStories members.
For those of you who haven’t listened to Magic Rays of Light before, I encourage you to give it a try. I think you’ll immediately understand why it fits so well with our existing shows and MacStories generally. The show goes beyond the superficial plot summaries and trailers you find elsewhere to provide thoughtful, critical analysis about what makes some shows and movies work so well while others don’t. It also provides the kind of broad industry context that provides perspective on Apple’s media efforts in a way very few shows do.
It happens to be the perfect time to jump into Magic Rays of Light, too. The show recently published its 100th episode, and with many critically acclaimed shows wrapping up their current seasons on Apple TV+ and new shows and movies landing on the streaming service soon, I know Sigmund and Devon have a lot of great episodes planned for the coming weeks.
And, to kick things off and welcome Magic Rays of Light to MacStories, Federico and I will be joining this week’s episode as guests to talk about two of our favorite shows that just wrapped up on Apple TV+: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters and For All Mankind, Season 4. The latest episode of AppStories also features guest appearances by Sigmund and Devon, who we invited to the show to talk about the move to MacStories and their favorite media tracking apps.
We hope you join us to listen to both episodes and add Magic Rays of Light to your regular podcast rotation using the buttons below as we expand MacStories’ coverage of Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and tvOS. We couldn’t have a better duo to help us do more in these areas, and we are excited to help Sigmund and Devon do even more of what’s made the show such a success over more than 100 episodes.