Steve Jobs offers the world freedom from porn. Freedom from Porn offers WWDC all the porn you can get. The vandalism proudly on display in San Francisco, we’re going to warn you: clicking past the break may be slightly NSFW.
It’s pretty hilarious actually to the casual bystander who’s tech savvy enough to know what’s going on here. Steve Jobs won’t allow porn in his App Store, so people are of course fighting back. Freedom from Porn is practically bragging about their shenanigans, even creating their own home movie to showcase the illicit activity. It’s highly illegal, but god, porn can feel oh so good when it’s used in all the right places. I mean, just take a look at some of the pics and the video below: it’s pretty fantastic if you ask me. Not the porn part. But just the thought of that freedom.
Thanks to TechCrunch for posting the mischief.