BGR is reporting numbers shared by one of their Apple sources about sales and pre-orders of the Verizon iPhone which apparently are “performing a little under what Apple and Verizon anticipated”. BGR has posted the following numbers from 5 Apple Stores combined, including “two very, very prominent stores”:
- Thursday: Verizon = 909, AT&T = 539
- Friday: Verizon = 916, AT&T = 680
- Saturday: Verizon = 660, AT&T = 471
- Sunday: Verizon = 796, AT&T = 701
- Monday: Verizon = 711, AT&T = 618
These numbers refer to first five days of availability of the device in 5 different Apple retail stores. BGR also reports pre-orders amounted to 550,000 units. As for who’s buying the Verizon iPhone:
We also have some statistics on who’s buying Verizon iPhones to share with you: 30% of people buying Verizon iPhones were Android users, just over 25% of people buying iPhone 4 were BlackBerry users, and only 14% of people buying the Verizon iPhone were AT&T iPhone owners. The remaining percent didn’t want to say, didn’t have a smartphone, or didn’t have a phone prior to making their iPhone 4 purchases last week.
As of today, Apple hasn’t announced how many Verizon iPhones were sold or pre-ordered. We do know, however, that the iPhone 4 broke Verizon’s sales record in two hours. Also, looking at the numbers posted by BGR, it’s clear that Verizon is selling more phones than AT&T anyway – we’d be curious to know how many Apple planned to sell in the first week.
To sum up, Verizon is already outselling AT&T (in “prominent stores”) with a 8-month old device, yet it’s not meeting Apple’s expectations. Interesting.